Casting checklist:
Player Character Spell Manifestation Mercurial Magic Mechanus Limbo Outlands Notes
Gavin Rigley Banish None
Bless None Bolt from the Blue PP#01 - Cryosleep. After casting this spell, the caster must succeed on a Luck check or be encased in a cylinder of magical ice for 4d6 hours. The caster is in a deep sleep and oblivious to his surroundings during this period. The ice is unbreakable, unmeltable, and protects the caster from all external agents. Detect Magic None Ekim's Mystical Mask None ESP PP#15 - Transformation! The spell grants the caster gribb-like wings, and a flying speed of 50’. Unfortunately, it also grants a gribb-like head. This has a bite attack doing 1d4 damage, but costs the caster 1d5+2 Intelligence until the transformation ends (after 2d3 rounds). Food of the Gods None Lotus Stare Gambler Paralysis None Second Sight PP#01 - Cryosleep. After casting this spell, the caster must succeed on a Luck check or be encased in a cylinder of magical ice for 4d6 hours. The caster is in a deep sleep and oblivious to his surroundings during this period. The ice is unbreakable, unmeltable, and protects the caster from all external agents. Gavin Rolley - fungal corruption - small, lavender mushrooms reduces spell checks by 1 point, but each point of energy is stored and may be used on a later spell check by making a DC 15 Will Save (all stored energy must be used on a single spell). Detect Magic Magnetic Personality PP#83 - For 1d3 rounds after this spell is cast, all metals are slightly attracted to the caster. The caster gains a +2 bonus to hit opponents in metal armor, but opponents using metal weapons gain a +2 bonus to hit the caster. #72 - Chain casting. Each successive casting of the spell grants a +1 bonus to wizard’s spell check, up to a total bonus equal to the caster’s Int or Luck modifier (whichever is higher). If the wizard casts another spell, he breaks the chain, resetting the modifier back to +0. 38 Whimsical patron. The spell draws upon the wizard’s patron to succeed, but this entity’s attentions are notoriously fickle. Whenever this spell is cast, roll 1d6 to determine what die is used whenever this spell is cast: (1-2) d16; (3-4) d20; (5) d24; (6) d30. This d6 roll supersedes the wizard’s normal action die and the dice chain.
Stored energy: 0 Control Tentacle None
fungal corruption! Charm Person Transporter PP#13 - The caster must succeed in a DC 10 Will save or every living creature within 50' (including the caster) is transported instantly 1 hex per spell level away in a random direction. Judge determines direction by roll 1d6 and consulting the "Lost Movement" table on page 11 of Peril on the Purple Planet. If the spell would take characters off the plateau, they appear at the edge of the plateau instead. 78 Mentalism. The wizard can cast the spell using ESP alone. He need not move, speak, breathe, or use any material ingredients to invoke the effects. Fungal corruption! Fire Resistance 08 Count of ten. Each time the wizard casts this spell, one of his fingers (or toes at the judge’s discretion) melts away. For every two digits lost, he suffers a permanent -1 penalty to Agility. The digits can be replaced by magic, but if the wizard ever runs out of them, he cannot cast this spell.
1-10 - toes 11-20 - fingers
Lost: middle toe left foot
fungal corruption! Flaming Hands from scroll DCC#1 At great cost. Every time the wizard casts the spell, someone he knows dies (judge’s choice). fungal corruption! Invisibility DCC#1 At great cost. Every time the wizard casts the spell, someone he knows dies (judge’s choice). Phase out. After casting this spell, the wizard shifts out of phase with the world, making him invisible and invulnerable to attack but preventing him from interacting with his environment. This state lasts for 1d6 rounds +1 round per level of the spell. fungal corruption! Mending Baiting Smile PP#30 - After casting this spell, the caster’s lips swell into two writhing banana-sized worm-like shapes for 1d4 hours. The caster suffers a -2 penalty to spell checks and Personality-based actions for the duration. None fungal corruption! Runic Alphabet None 01 At great cost. Every time the wizard casts the spell, someone he knows dies (judge’s choice). fungal corruption! Sleep Kith Magic PP#26 - The caster must perform a ritual focused on a relic of the Purple Planet, like the superstitious rituals of the kith perform out of superstitious ignorance (see Peril on the Purple Planet, page 3). The ritual adds +1d3 rounds to casting time 05 Difficult to cast. Instead of rolling as normal on a spell check, the wizard rolls a reduced die (based on the dice chain; i.e., d20 becomes d16).
Knows the Field Kit can be used here. Will learn that the Mini Skiff or Flashlight will work too.
fungal corruption! Tear (Mending reversed) DCC#24 Prismatic distortion. Nearby light is distorted. Roll 1d6: (1) area within 20’ darkens to shadow; (2) all light sources (torches, lanterns, etc.) within 20’ are extinguished magically; (3) incandescent flash upon comple- tion of spell; (4) all colors are drained from within 20’ of wizard for 1d4 rounds; (5) light takes on a green/ orange/blue/yellow hue for 1d4 rounds; (6) shadows multiply from different directions, as if there were additional, invisible light sources, for 1d4 rounds after completion. None None Magic Missle Skin hardens, conferring AC bonus (1% small chance of becoming a statue) Guillaume Brosario Colour Spray Shower of Worms PP#71 - A shower of small grey-white worms rains down in a 300’ radius around the caster. They burrow into the ground or dissolve into ash 1d4 rounds later. #94 Fine control. The wizard is adept at reigning in the magical energies of the spell and can choose any result on the spell chart equal to or lower than the one rolled. 25 Terror-inducing. Casting the spell inspires terror in animals and creatures with an Intelligence score of 3 or less. All such creatures within 50’ flee the caster as quickly as possible for 1d14 rounds. If restrained, the animals panic, insensate to all commands. The caster’s familiar, if any, is immune. Comprehend Languages Summons from Home PP#75 - Summons from home. Every time this spell is cast, a random item of equipment (Table 3-4, core rulebook page 73) falls from the sky. DC 10 Reflex save or it falls on the caster, possibly causing 1d6 damage or having other effects. 81 Terrible to behold. The wizard becomes fearsome when casting the spell. Roll 1d6: (1) he appears to grow in size; (2) he takes on a horrid expression; (3) he glows a fiery red; (4) his body is shadowed while his face is brightly lit; (5) the aspect of his patron towers above him; (6) the wind whirls around him. From scroll Force Manipulation Terrible to behold DCC#81 . The wizard becomes fearsome when casting the spell. Roll 1d6: (1) he appears to grow in size; (2) he takes on a horrid expression; (3) he glows a fiery red; (4) his body is shadowed while his face is brightly lit; (5) the aspect of his patron towers above him; (6) the wind whirls around him. 85 Psychic shield. In the round immediately following the casting of this spell, the wizard gains a +2 bonus to his AC and any Will saves, as he is encased in a protective barrier of psychic energy. It disperses the follow- ing round. Knock None Magic Missile Trogdor Gambler PP#77 - The caster may add a bonus to the spell check, but each +1 to the spell check increases the range at which the spell is treated as if a natural “1” were rolled. Energy Burst #84 - Energy burst. When successfully casting this spell, the wizard is surrounded by a burst of energy. Roll 1d6: (1) wreathes of flame, which do not affect the wizard but ignite flammable objects within 5’ and cause 1d6 damage to melee opponents; (2) crackles of electricity, which arc to the nearest enemy within 10’ and cause 1d6 damage; (3) aura of frost, which causes 1d4 cold damage to everything within 10’ and automatically snuff torches and lanterns in range; (4) cloud of ash, which the wizard can see through but obscures the sight of all others within 5’; #64 Wealful/woeful magic. Each time this spell is cast, there is a random 10%-60% chance that the wizard’s Luck score is altered by its magic. If the wizard’s Luck is affected, it is either raised 1d3 points (50% chance) or lowered 1d3 points (50% chance). Ropework None Anima Drain #9 - The wizard suffers corruption every time he casts the spell, regardless of spell check, unless he spellburns. None Shrink Flashback PP#8 - The caster experiences visions of past events on the Purple Planet (as determined by the judge), effectively leaving him blind to the present for 1d3 rounds per spell level. The character can still hear, feel, smell, and taste his actual time – only his sight is affected. 09 Anima drain. The wizard suffers corruption every time he casts the spell, regardless of spell check, unless he spellburns. Kyle Ghet Patron Bond Patron taint 11% Invoke Patron Whoopsie #76 - This spell causes a relic within a 50’ radius (judge’s choice) to spend a charge, functioning as if the proper activation and function rune sequence had been entered. 21 Corrosion touch. The casting of this spell causes a randomly determined item of steel or iron to corrode and pit in a 15’ radius around the caster. The item cor- roded by the casting is always of dagger-size or larger and chosen at random. If the wizard voluntarily holds or touches a metal item of the appropriate size while casting, that object is destroyed and no other. 4x day Blade of Atropos Auditory Feedback DCC#26: Thunderclap • 88: Modron precision: Choose initiative result instead of rolling Charm Person glittering pixie dust None Mirror magic. This spell causes an eldritch echo that duplicates the wizard’s appearance as if he had cast a mirror image spell with a spell check of 16-19. However, each duplicate image created saps the caster of a single point of Personality until the image is dispersed. requires casting read magic to regain after rest
Colour Spray shadow of subdued, washed out colours None • 84: Rule of Three: Spell goes off three times (second and third results are re-rolled, spellburn is added again) #27 - No range. The spell has no range, and can only be cast by touching the target. If the spell normally has a range of only touch, it can only be cast exactly 10 feet away from the target. 40 Ravenous. The wizard becomes ravenously hungry after casting the spell. Hungry people are often cranky, so the wizard suffers a -2 Personality until he is able to eat. Comprehend Languages None Enlarge Planar Blink DCC#87 - After casting the spell, the caster unpredictably blinks in and out of this plane of existence, granting a +4 bonus to the wizard’s AC at cost of a -4 penalty to all the wizard’s attacks. The effect lasts for 1 round per spell level. There is a 1% chance per spell level that the wizard does not return from his invol- untary jaunt across the cosmos. 70 Temporal echo. Each time the wizard casts this spell, he predicts the numerical result of his spell check roll. If he rolls this number exactly, the spell automatically re-casts itself each round for 1d3 rounds. The predicted result must be a successful spell check; predicting a failed result has no effect. Shrink (reverse) None 10 Blood magic. The power of this spell is partially drawn from spilled blood, a sacrifice to the unknowable lords of Magic. A living creature with hit points equal to or greater than the spell’s level must be offered up before the spell is cast; otherwise, the spell check suffers a -4 penalty or patron taint (judge’s choice). The creature need not be sentient; chickens, goats, and other simple animals with the proper amount of hit points will suffice. Mirror Image PP#86 Fungal farmer. Tiny benign mushrooms of all colors grow in a 5’ radius around the caster; a small Viscuson (yielding 1 pint of milk) grows among them if the caster makes a successful Luck check. Judges may refer to page 9 of Peril on the Purple Planet. • 46: Regenerate hitpoints for a few rounds 01 At great cost. Every time the wizard casts the spell, someone he knows dies (judge’s choice). Read Magic PP#17 - Across the multiverse. There is a percentage chance equal to this spell’s level that this spell exchanges the caster for a different version of himself from a parallel universe. The new version of the caster looks roughly the same, but has opposite alignment (or different, if originally neutral) with appropriate changes to patrons or deities (judge’s choice) Ropework Sleep of Ages DCC#14 - After casting this spell, the wizard must make a Fort save (DC 5 + the spell’s level) or fall into a deep sleep for 1 day for each level of the spell. He cannot be awakened by any mundane or magical means during this time. • 59: Caster becomes emotionless temporarily 01 Summon Monster None • 27: One of the caster's hands transforms into a saw. 01 At great cost. Every time the wizard casts the spell, someone he knows dies (judge’s choice). Ward Portal Gambler PP#77 - The caster may add a bonus to the spell check, but each +1 to the spell check increases the range at which the spell is treated as if a natural “1” were rolled. • 50: Every time the spell is cast, a random piece of equipment from the caster runs off and merges into the nearest cogwheel. None
Estred Detect Invisibility None Flaming Hands None #67 - St. Gygakk’s fire. Casting this spell results in the wizard being limned by flickering chartreuse fire for 1d4 rounds, granting opponents a +2 bonus to attacks against the caster. It also negates any concealment and invisibility enjoyed by the caster, but does provide a faint illumination to the area immediately surrounding the wizard Forest Walk None Patron Taint 1% Patron Bond Scare PP#22 Totemec magic: Kith Spider Climb Old Faithful PP#84 - Casting this spell causes a 30’ tall, 5’ diameter jet of green acid to erupt randomly in a 30’ radius around the caster for 1d3 rounds. The caster and all creatures within 30’ of him must make a DC 13 Reflex save or take 1d6 + spell level damage each round. War Horn of Elfland None Ward Portal None None